Thursday 27 September 2012

Genre Iconography Mood Board

This mood board shows the things you would expect in a thriller such as the kind of characters the crimes they would commit the mystery and the location.

Inception Spoiler Review

Inception. Christopher Nolans 2010
The story follows the character of Dominick “Dom” Cobb (Leonardo DiCaprio) who is a former dream architect. Their first target in the film is a high-ranking powerful Japanese businessman called Saito (Ken Watanabe). Dom and his associate Arthur (Joseph Goron-Levitt) have Saito in a dream within in dream to try to extract information from Saito subconscious, but due to complications in their plan, Saito find out that extraction is being performed on him and captures Arthur and Cob and is planning to torture them as you can still fill pain the dream Cobb shots Arthur in the second dream so he wakes up in the first dream. Arthur gives Dom a kick in the first dream to wake him up from the second dream, the kick also wakes Saito up and he thinks this is the real world but before Cob can obtain the information the group gets attacked by a mob and wake up on a train on the way in to Tokyo and the extraction get off of the train before Saito wakes up and realises who they are.
Saito set out to capture Arthur and Cob and he succeeds but instead of killing them like the characters think he gives them a job to complete, which is to destroy his biggest energy competitor run by a ailing Maurice Fischer, by planting an idea in his son Robert Fischer (Cillian Murphys) head to destroy his fathers company when it is in his hands. If Cob succeed in this, Saito would pull some strings to have the murder charge on Cob’s head dropped for apparently murdering his wife, but in fact Cob is innocent as his wife committed suicide and she did not see the real world as real as she thought in was a dream and jumped off a building to try and wake up from a dream. Cob cannot refuse this offer, as he cannot get home to see his children.
Cob assembles a crack team of people he has worked with in the passed and who he trusts they start to form a plan. They put this in to place when Maurice Fischer dies in Los Angeles, and his son Robert is in Sydney. They take advantage of the length of the flight Robert has take to go see his dead father. They successfully succeed in their plan, with a few twists and turns in the plot in the storyline and Robert fisher dissolves his fathers company. When they all get off the plane they all go their separate ways and cob can now go home to see his children, which he does. When he’s in the house he spins totem witch will tell him if he is a dream if it doesn’t stop spinning, but if it falls it is reality. The camera does a close up on the totem whist it is spinning and blacks out before it falls. So is he still in a dream?

Monday 24 September 2012

Thriller location

The reason i have chosen this location is because of the low key lighting witch is highlighted as the picture is in black and white. Also the fact it is a shipping dock also adds mystery as it will have you asking the question 'why are they there' which is key to a thriller.

Tuesday 11 September 2012

Fight Club Timeline Stills
























From this activity I have have found out how many slates an introduction to a film has, why they are there, what they are used for (copyright) and the order of importance. eg the big production company's always have the first slate in the opening sequence and the Director always has the last slate.

Art Of The Title - 9 stills

 The 'Serenity' sing is clearly on the side of a ship or probably in  space. The reason i think it is space is the fact the the background is black and has little white dots that could be star. the fact that it could be space also shows that it will be in the Science Fiction genre.
 This reveals that it is a space ship and it seems to be hovering above a planet possibly wanting to land to do something. The brown and dry colours of the 'planet' below shows that it could be set in a desert landscape or a wasteland.

 This shows the people that the crew of the ship are human. This show that it's set sometime in the future or in another universe. The pilot of the ship seems to be quite shocked with what is happening at this moment.  The lighting is quite bright and you can see all of the characters faces. this indicates that the story will be quite fun and none of the main characters will die.

 In this sequence it shows this man holding weapons, this shows they are going to the planet below to do something that could possibly be dangerous. The lighting is a little bit dimmer in the still so this could indicate that something might happen to the character.

 The fact that this character is holding on to things as he walk shows the fact that the ship could be quite old and a 'rust bucket'. Also the mess in this still indicates they have been on the ship for quite a while.

 This still shows a mechanic working on a part of the ship so they could be about to crash and the panicked look on her face backs up that they  could be crashing. You can tell shes a mechanic as she looks rather dirty as she is covered in grease.

 Again this character is holding on to something as he walks this reassures the fact that the ship is falling apart.

 The reason this room could be coloured blue is the fact that it could be clean. it is probably because it looks like a medical bay and also the sorter man looks like he is injecting something in to the main characters arm.
This looks like a docking bay this reinforces the fact that they could be going on a mission.

Sunday 2 September 2012

compare three thrillers

Media task 3.

The three thriller film i watched were, Inception, Fight Club and Se7en (seven) all rather high budget Hollywood thriller films and each of these film's are about that you cannot get anything for nothing.

In many ways they are very similar films as each of the main protagonists has a back story that is almost always included in the story line.
 Each of these films have twists and turns through out the story. For example the character of Cobb (Inception) is not aloud to go back to America to see his children as performed inception on his wife before anyone else had even tried it. She thought reality was a dream world. The only way out of the dream world is if you 'die in the dream' so she killed herself. The government Believe that Cobb murdered her. This is the reason he is not allowed back in to the country. All of this happens before the initial story line has started.

Fight Club is the story of Edward Norton's nameless character.  Who narrates the film along side what is happening from his perspective, as the events unfold. His character suffers from insomnia. In the start of the film has an addiction to support groups and self help groups as he feels these are the only things that can fill his empty meaningless life and he finds now the void has been filled he can sleep well.
On a business trip develops a split personality (Tyler) who through out the film seems to be another man separate from the nameless character. He is everything the nameless character wants to be.

In se7en (seven) Detective David Mills is a new members to the city's police department and is rather new to being a Detective. The film is about a serial killer who kills seven people over seven days for the seven deadly sins. He kills each victim with the sin they are most guilty of committing. The killer always leaves clues to his next kill and how he is going to do.

Each of these character are similar by the fact they do not fit in where they are placed, they are have some other reason than money to be there. As Cobb takes the mission on in the film so he can get back to see his children and to clear his name as it is a kind of personal thing for him to have that done. where as the others in the film are only doing it as payed work or for a personal vendetta against the company.
In Fight Club the nameless character does not fit in with the group of people he spends his spear time with and also with what he does in his spear time. The fact he has a mental heath condition also makes him stand out.
In Seven detective mills has moved to the city and taken on this bigger role to please his wife and then the killer makes it personal when he starts targeting him and his wife when neither of them fit the profile the killer is looking for.

I believe that every thing that happens in these films has a reason behind it. From all the twists, turns, love, betrayal and revenge. This is what makes a thriller in my eye's. They will always have you wondering what will happen next and you can never guess what is going on in the protagonists mind. All of these points are what i think a great thriller film need in my personal opinion.