Tuesday 11 September 2012

Art Of The Title - 9 stills

 The 'Serenity' sing is clearly on the side of a ship or probably in  space. The reason i think it is space is the fact the the background is black and has little white dots that could be star. the fact that it could be space also shows that it will be in the Science Fiction genre.
 This reveals that it is a space ship and it seems to be hovering above a planet possibly wanting to land to do something. The brown and dry colours of the 'planet' below shows that it could be set in a desert landscape or a wasteland.

 This shows the people that the crew of the ship are human. This show that it's set sometime in the future or in another universe. The pilot of the ship seems to be quite shocked with what is happening at this moment.  The lighting is quite bright and you can see all of the characters faces. this indicates that the story will be quite fun and none of the main characters will die.

 In this sequence it shows this man holding weapons, this shows they are going to the planet below to do something that could possibly be dangerous. The lighting is a little bit dimmer in the still so this could indicate that something might happen to the character.

 The fact that this character is holding on to things as he walk shows the fact that the ship could be quite old and a 'rust bucket'. Also the mess in this still indicates they have been on the ship for quite a while.

 This still shows a mechanic working on a part of the ship so they could be about to crash and the panicked look on her face backs up that they  could be crashing. You can tell shes a mechanic as she looks rather dirty as she is covered in grease.

 Again this character is holding on to something as he walks this reassures the fact that the ship is falling apart.

 The reason this room could be coloured blue is the fact that it could be clean. it is probably because it looks like a medical bay and also the sorter man looks like he is injecting something in to the main characters arm.
This looks like a docking bay this reinforces the fact that they could be going on a mission.


  1. L3 (C1)
    Good analysis
    To improve:
    Presentation counts a lot so make sure you take care. Use an online photo edit website to block the frames as on the art of the title website

  2. Good level of detail describing your thoughts for each scene
    To improve make the pictures bigger so you can clearly see what you are talking about
