Sunday 2 September 2012

compare three thrillers

Media task 3.

The three thriller film i watched were, Inception, Fight Club and Se7en (seven) all rather high budget Hollywood thriller films and each of these film's are about that you cannot get anything for nothing.

In many ways they are very similar films as each of the main protagonists has a back story that is almost always included in the story line.
 Each of these films have twists and turns through out the story. For example the character of Cobb (Inception) is not aloud to go back to America to see his children as performed inception on his wife before anyone else had even tried it. She thought reality was a dream world. The only way out of the dream world is if you 'die in the dream' so she killed herself. The government Believe that Cobb murdered her. This is the reason he is not allowed back in to the country. All of this happens before the initial story line has started.

Fight Club is the story of Edward Norton's nameless character.  Who narrates the film along side what is happening from his perspective, as the events unfold. His character suffers from insomnia. In the start of the film has an addiction to support groups and self help groups as he feels these are the only things that can fill his empty meaningless life and he finds now the void has been filled he can sleep well.
On a business trip develops a split personality (Tyler) who through out the film seems to be another man separate from the nameless character. He is everything the nameless character wants to be.

In se7en (seven) Detective David Mills is a new members to the city's police department and is rather new to being a Detective. The film is about a serial killer who kills seven people over seven days for the seven deadly sins. He kills each victim with the sin they are most guilty of committing. The killer always leaves clues to his next kill and how he is going to do.

Each of these character are similar by the fact they do not fit in where they are placed, they are have some other reason than money to be there. As Cobb takes the mission on in the film so he can get back to see his children and to clear his name as it is a kind of personal thing for him to have that done. where as the others in the film are only doing it as payed work or for a personal vendetta against the company.
In Fight Club the nameless character does not fit in with the group of people he spends his spear time with and also with what he does in his spear time. The fact he has a mental heath condition also makes him stand out.
In Seven detective mills has moved to the city and taken on this bigger role to please his wife and then the killer makes it personal when he starts targeting him and his wife when neither of them fit the profile the killer is looking for.

I believe that every thing that happens in these films has a reason behind it. From all the twists, turns, love, betrayal and revenge. This is what makes a thriller in my eye's. They will always have you wondering what will happen next and you can never guess what is going on in the protagonists mind. All of these points are what i think a great thriller film need in my personal opinion.


  1. B
    Good effort Peter, some good description of the narrative with points extracted and well used vocabulary.

  2. l3
    Good level of description
    To improve get stills from the movie to back up your points
